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Monday, January 24, 2011

Jerusalem Bus Revolution

Nu?  Revolution it is, isn't it?  No more buses on most of Jerusalem's Rechov Yaffo, Jaffa Street.  Now they go behind the Jerusalem Municipality, then on Rechov Neviim, then up to Agrippas then .....

... to the bus station.  Yes, you can still find buses on that end of Rechov Yaffo.

For old-timers like me, it's funny, because we remember the hysteria when buses, cars, trucks, taxis etc were banned from Ben Yehuda Street.  This new change will make life very difficult for those who have problems walking, because there are long distances from stop to stop and no stops near the Zion Square part of downtown.  No doubt that it will just make more and more people shop in the malls and large shopping areas in other parts of Jerusalem.


  1. Anonymous25/1/11 04:36

    oy, i cant believe i am missing the latest developments in my city. unfortunately i have to be in chul for at least 2 more weeks...

  2. a, of course, once there's the lightrail, going down Yaffo should be quick, but for many it will require tranfering from bus to train to bus. Just great if you have a heavy bag or physically restricted.

  3. That's a shame! I was told the light rail would help revitalize the city centre shopping areas more?

  4. Lightrail isn't running yet. The streets were cleared so it could "practice." There's only one line, and I doubt if they'll build the others.


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