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Sunday, January 02, 2011

What A Nice Compliment

Today when I handed in some forms for my G-d willing new job, the HR clerk went over them and then as she read one of the forms and saw that I had crossed it out, she said?
"What?  Don't you have any children under the age of nineteen?"
That's a real compliment.  My youngest is twenty-seven.  Sometimes I get very disappointed when the bus drivers passively accept my senior discount tickets.  At my age, my parents needed proof for discounts.

I'm considering this a good sign for my new job, Baruch Hashem.

more to follow when there's something....


  1. Shalom!
    A friend of a friend was once carded at a restaurant in America when she ordered a drink. She was 41 at the time, twenty years over the minimum drinking age.
    P.S. I had the opposite happen to me when buying a bus pass. I was 19 years old and the driver sold me an under-18 student pass.

  2. To be off by a year or two is normal, but a 41 year old, wow! I'm impressed. My cousin used to be pulled out of the regular seating at the movies when she took her three daughters. The ushers thought she was under twelve.

  3. Shalom!
    The rule of thumb is "card anyone who looks under 30", but still...

  4. I'm no expert in these things.


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