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Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Feel Fat

OK, a dumb kvetchy title, sorry.  But I do feel fat.  I don't get enough exercise and I may be eating too much.  It's hard to control my days and weeks.

But my regular sized clothes still fit.  And just the other day some friends, the rest of the older staff members, told me that I had a great figure, tiny waist etc.  So maybe this feeling is more from the winter woes.  In theory I love the rain, because I know it's important, but I need light.  And I need to take walks.  So last night when I was about to take a nice needed walk, I discovered that it was raining, so I washed the bedroom floors.  I need the exercise.

I guess I'm also depressed about having to clean for Pesach.  I hate cleaning.  You see, I'm not that sort of baleboosteh.  I'm lazy, a slob etc sort of.

OK, just a couple of more things on the computer and then I'll wash dishes and go to sleep.  OK?  Sorry for the rants and kvetching.


  1. Shalom!
    I haven't cleaned for Pesah with a toddler in the house for a long time. I have this vague hope that the older kids will help when vacation starts. If the weather is nice they can take the baby to the playground. If we receive lots of badly needed rain I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I also hate cleaning and I especially hate having to clean around the kids.

  2. Hadassa, once my eldest was Bat Mitzvah I made a rule that she was responsible for her own room, and pretty soon all the kids did their own stuff and helped me, too. For years they'd come home just to quickly do their rooms, since they'd visit Shabbatot and more. But now, it's all up to me, and my job doesn't have teacher vacations.

    Good luck!!

  3. Shalom!
    They all do their own rooms and things, some with help. It's getting a group effort going with the rest of the house that's a problem. I don't like to do it, because they all should get used to cleaning for Pesah, but I find it much easier to send them all outside. I'll play it by ear. Hatzlaha to you too!

  4. My older ones learned from neighbors that either they babysat for the youngers and/or cleaned all parts of the house. There were great years when I hardly did a thing, but now they're all older with their own lives and homes, even though most are single. I can't expect them to take off from work and help me.


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