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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I Love These Hats!!

Have you been noticing how wearable the designer clothes are getting?  Except for the middle skirt, which can be easily stitched, these outfits, if you could afford them, would be acceptable in shuls, Torah-observant, tzniyus-demanding synagogues, right?  Elegance is fashionable and true elegance is modest.  And those hats....


  1. Yeah, they finally admit that winter is cold.

  2. you can stitch the slit, but then you won't be able to walk! That would require a very large kickpleat, which is usually located in the back. For current lines, I see only short skirts or maxis that virtually trail the floor. I like mid-calf length skirts that are full enough to allow me to move freely.

  3. Risa, true about the cold. I never envied those girls in their minis when it was freezing. But I like to think of it as elegance.
    Ariella, true about the skirt, but a more closed one can easily be substituted.

  4. Shalom!
    Sigh... I had hats like those once. Now they've been donated to various pre-schools and the school's drama room. I've always liked hats like those, but within in year, they draw only laughter and not compliments.
    Elegant, long skirts have always been in fashion, although not always on the forefront. To me, there's something powerful about the image of a woman in a long skirt. Does anyone agree?

  5. Hadassa, I used to wear HATS, but once I started the small light ones, I just couldn't wear big ones any more.
    The look of the long skirt and "mannish" hat is a power look.


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