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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Even Simple Cell Phones Can Be Too Smart For Their Own or Owner's Good

As I type this, I keep glancing at my cell phone.  Shouldn't or should I..?  "What's the dilemma?" you may be asking yourself.

The problem is that my phone is "too smart."  It's on when it's off.  Duhh?  The alarm rings alarmingly, the way I like it on a weekday, even when I've turned it off and the screen is blank.  Not only is it real spooky, but it disturbed my sleep in the too early morning after the Passover Seder. 

I like getting up at 5am on a week day.  I turn off the alarm and get myself decent enough to spend some "quality time" on the computer, drink lots of water and very yummy coffee.  After a while, I then shower, get dressed, pray and then eat breakfast.

On Shabbat I don't have that routine (and it's forbidden not only to be on the computer but to turn off the phone alarm's loud noise,) so I set up my phone alarm to ring six mornings a week.  Now I have a very risky decision to make.  Do I cancel Monday's alarm or not?  Now, if I do, and I probably will, I'll need reminders to turn it back on.  OK, do you get the hint? Please comment here or email me after Passover to remind me to reset the alarm to go off on Monday's too.  Thanks!


  1. Write yourself a note and tape it to the computer screen so first thing Motzei Chag, you'll turn your alarms back on.

  2. Leah, Maaleh Adumim24/4/11 04:08

    Batya, set a reminder on your phone's calendar for the day after yontif: "reset alarm". then the phone will remind you to do it!

    or, the "low-tech" suggestion of "PS" (note on computer) is a good idea too. but try the phone's calendar, you might find this a useful thing for the future too.

  3. Pesky, I don't always see notes. I've tried them for omer counting, though the screen is a good idea.

    Leah, I'll try that, thanks. I've already set up 8pm reminders on my cell phone for the omer.

  4. If you take the battery out before Shabbos/Yom Tov, will the internal memory, settings and alarms survive until you put it back in afterwards?

  5. Ed, that's a very good point. There's a limit as to how much I'm willing to play with these machines.

  6. I think you don't need much to depend on the features of your cell phones. All you have to do is make a note and then attached it to the place where you are always right after you woke up in the morning. This will help you remind for your task of the day.

  7. In the end, I had the phone remind me, and I fixed the alarm days immediately. I just have to remember the next holiday.


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