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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Pressure, Pressure and Even More Pressure

This is the season when it's harder to find time for blogging than ever.  I've noticed fewer comments and fewer hits from other jbloggers.

I'm finding it harder to concentrate on the screen and keyboard.  It's not just that my computer reading glasses are broken.  It's because I'm working part-time at a clothing store, Yafiz, Sha'ar Binyamin, and this is our busiest season.  Besides all of the Jews coming in to buy new clothes for Passover and for spring, Arabs shop there, too.  Some are tourists from Jordan who ask if we accept Jordanian Dinars.  They like the selection of clothes.

Our work day is going to get longer until after Passover begins.  My Passover cleaning can only be done on days when I don't work.  I'm glad we don't take food into bedrooms etc.  Whatever isn't really chametzdik, full of the forbidden chametz won't be touched.  I'm glad that I laundered the much too dusty drapes in my bedroom last week.  I won't have time and energy for such "luxuries" now.

And if I'm tired this week, next week will be even more exhausting.  I'll have to drink low sugar grape juice at the Seder or I'll fall asleep before the middle, like soon after the first cup.


  1. Hang in there! It will soon be over.

  2. Shalom!
    At least Pesah cleaning ends with Pesah, unlike other types of cleaning...
    I go on-line for work and for a break I stop by a few blogs.

  3. And here I was thinking the online world just hated ME because only goyim are leaving comments these days... :-)

  4. Yes, Risa, in 3 weeks, it'll be over.
    Hadassa, taking breaks gives energy. Keep breaking!
    Jennifer, I'm sure everyone gets less computer time, except...


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