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Monday, June 13, 2011

Baruch Dayan HaEmet, Manny Winston

I just received this and am in shock. Manny's mailings were brilliant. He was a great man and will be missed in This World. G-d willing, he'll be effectively fighting for the Land and People of Israel in the Next World.
Dear Friends,
Manny Winston was niftar this morning at 8:30 am CDT after an 11 year battle against cancer. We will miss his presence in this world but, perhaps HaShem wanted him back.

North Shore Chabad of Highland Park will hold a brief memorial after morning davening at 7:30 PM, 847 Central Avenue, Highland Park June 13, 2011. You are welcome to come before we take off for Israel.

The levaya (funeral) for Manny will begin Tuesday, June 14 at the Sanhedria Funeral Home, hopefully around 5 PM after the 3 planes bringing family arrive. From there the levaya will be at Har Zeitim, Mount of Olives – through the gate to the left of the Intercontinental Hotel. Please come if you can.

May we all be blessed with simchas and also be comforted among the mourners of Jerusalem.

All the Best,

Gail Winston & all of Manny’s family and friends
Winston Commentary Mid East Analysis


  1. Baruch Dayan HaEmet . . . I loved his column in the Jewish Press.

  2. yes, he will be missed


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