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Friday, June 03, 2011

Teaching Torah, Me?

This year, since I've had the wonderful opportunity for studying the Bible in Matan, I'm sometimes the featured speaker/teacher at our Shabbat Shiur Nahshim Women's Study Classes.  I, also, sometimes give the short Dvar (Words of) Torah at our Rosh Chodesh Women's Prayers at Tel Shiloh.

Unless there's another volunteer, I'll give the Dvar Torah this morning.  It'll be a short "taste" of my Shabbat one, connected to Shiloh, Chana, Shmuel, clothing and education.

I have no doubt that our move to Shiloh, thirty years ago this summer, has contributed greatly to my spiritual life.  It's hard to believe it; I've spent almost half my life in Shiloh.  Yes, I'm THAT old!

Where you live does have its influence.  In some ways it's obvious and in others it's subtle and takes a while until you really see it.  I've definitely metamorphised into a different person here.

This is a very busy Friday.

Chodesh Tov and Shabbat Shalom
Have a Good Month and a Peaceful Shabbat


  1. Shalom and shavua tov!
    Israel makes teachers out of a lot of us.
    I remember when I reached the day on which I'd lived more than half my life in Israel. It's a very good feeling. To all of you who haven't come yet, the sooner you come, the sooner you reach that day.

  2. I'm approaching (next birthday) 2/3 of my life post-aliyah, not yet the full 2/3 in Israel, and I came married. We were on shlichut for two years. That's mindboggling. And right after that I'll be half my life in Shiloh.


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