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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The G-d Project

Chaviva has asked me to blog about the G-d Project.  Well, since I'm no expert, the best is to click and find out what it's about.

I hope that Chavi will comment with more details.  Here's what she sent me:

A Web Space Devoted to Mini-Documentaries on Jews, G-d, and Spirituality.
A project of PunkTorah.org and sponsored by the Jewish New Media Innovation Fund, TheG-d  Project is a social media platform dedicated to Jewish questions about God and spirituality. The website serves as a free, online, evolving documentary and tool for Jewish learning. Our goal is nothing less than to help Jewish people talk about God and spirituality in an open, honest way.
The heart of the project is a series of mini-documentaries interviewing Jews across North America and Europe with different backgrounds, affiliations, and lifestyles in order to discover how people live and believe Jewishly in the post-modern world.
The G-d Project is uploading a video a week right now, but all videos will be officially dropped onto the site on September 12, 2011.
We know you’ll have questions, and we hope these will answer them. For more FAQs, please check out the website or shoot us an email.
Why do we spell God as G-d in our project title?
God in Jewish tradition has had many names: G-d, HaShem, Adonai, and so on. Therefore, calling this website The G-d Project reflects the Jewish identity of the The G-d Project experience. Additionally, having the space in the middle of G-d is an artistic statement: that  the God concept is different for all people, and that we “fill in the blank” with our own ideas about what God is and how we experience God in our lives.
How can I submit my own video to The G-d Project?
There are two ways that you can be highlighted in The G-d Project. The first would be for our producer/director to come to your area and actually film you and your community. We  are always taking inquiries from communities that are interested in participating in the project. Our travel budget is limited, but if we are able to get enough synagogues, non-profits, schools, or community centers in your area interested in the project, then we will work with you to schedule your filming and fly to your area. To invite The G-d Project to your community, simply email us (patrick@punktorah.org ).
Also, you can submit your storytelling video online at http://theg-dproject.org/tell-your-story/  We can assist you via email, phone and/or Skype to help make this process easier  or you.
PunkTorah, founded by Executive Director Patrick Aleph in 2009, is a Jewish non-profit  that develops web-based tools to enhance Jewish life and promote independent Jewish  spirituality.
PunkTorah’s other projects include the web-based independent minyan OneShul, the Jewish
food website NewKosher, the Community Siddur series of crowd-sourced liturgy and the flagship project, the PunkTorah.org  blog .

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