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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Back From The "Dead"

I'm so excited!  I just discovered that one of my all-time favorite jbloggers has blogged again!  I have been in touch with her on facebook, so I know what's new with the family and all.  She and her husband had been extremely involved in the Jewish blog scene when we were all starting to establish ourselves as a special niche in the great world of blogging.

I'm referring to the one and only Baleboosteh.  Here's her post (click) in which she tells us all what's new with the family and some thoughts about blogging.

Bagel Blogger's artwork
Hakarat HaTov, giving recognition for the good someone has done...
It was the Baleboosteh and her husband who took my "hint" about the need for a picture blog carnival to showcase the fantastic pictures some jbloggers had been submitting to Havel Havelim.  They established JPIX.  Now it's run by Leora.  They were also very supportive of the Kosher Cooking Carnival.

Welcome back, Baleboosteh, we've missed you!


  1. Thankyou so very much!! I'm glad to be back. I am hoping a few people will drop by and introduce themselves and their blogs to me :)

  2. I hope they do. Let me know all about it! enjoy


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