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Friday, December 30, 2011

We Won! *And Some More "Day in the Life of... Me"

It's Friday morning, and I have a lot to do, (so I won't blog the post in my head about how crazy yesterday* was.  At least that's what I had thought. Read on!  That post refused to stay put.  It's "writing itself!"  It was a very long, full day with surprises, good and bad.  One of the unpleasant surprises, learning that I had paid for the wrong thing on my RavKav got me very upset.  I'm going to have to make a special trip to Jerusalem to attempt to have the money credited to "bus rides."  And my Jerusalem kids were too busy to hang out with me before the game, IFL Jerusalem Big Blue Lions vs Sabres. 

So I wandered around Center1 and the "mall" next to it for a while.  (For those in the "need" with time, the WC there is free, unlike the bus station.)  And for one of those G-D is GOOD, siyata d'Shmaya stories, I ended up meeting a friend who had been waiting hours for her daughter. When her daughter finally called telling her where to meet, she needed my help to carry her things there.  G-d put me there just to help her, no doubt in my mind.

After I left my friend with her daughter, I took a very long, round about route to Kraft Stadium for the football game.  It's a five minute walk, but I had over two hours to waste.  And all this was after a full shift at work.

Instead of just going straight to Kraft, how long can one sit on those cement bleachers--the games take two and a half hours-- I walked down Jaffa Street, sitting down at one point to eat the dinner I had packed for myself the day before, turned on King George and then went in circles around Nachlaot, finally arriving at Kraft in time to see the completion of a different game which had been stopped seconds before it had ended.  The Sabres beat the Rebels, so they had quite a warm-up before confronting the Jerusalem Big Blue Lions.

In between "games," I managed to get my husband to pose with the father of Big Blue's, top player Binyamin Schultz.  At half-time I spoke to Binyamin's mother.  This is no "little league," so there aren't all that many parents in the bleachers watching.  I sat with another mother who gave me a ride right afterwards, so I could catch the 10:30 bus.

The atmosphere at the games is getting more carnival-like.  The other team brought some "cheerleaders" who weren't dressed for Jerusalem and didn't have a chance when trying to out-shout us.  The Lions had a lion!

IFL Jerusalem "Big Blue" Lions won 56 vs 22!

It really was a good, well-played game.  Refuah shleimah to the injured.

And now, back to my Friday chores...

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