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Friday, January 27, 2012

International KCC at This American Bite!

Just in time for Shabbat, the latest Kosher Cooking Carnival is at This American Bite, but it's an international affair of kosher food for all.  Click and check it out and visit all the blogs included this month and then share them far and wide.  Actually it has been "live," online since yesterday my time, but I didn't have time to announce it.

Next month, Adar, late February, the Kosher Cooking Carnival will be hosted by Cooking Outside the Box, and we're looking for a volunteer for Nissan, around March 25, and other months.  Please contact me or join our facebook group.  You can send in your links for the Adar KCC nonrecipe@gmail.com with KCC as subject or via facebook or blog carnival, which doesn't work as well as it used to, but I still send the instacarnivals to the hosts.

Shabbat Shalom and Enjoy!


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