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Friday, January 06, 2012

Jerusalem Scene, Caption This

As I was walking through Jerusalem, downtown, "center" I just couldn't resist shooting this.  How would you caption it?

Shabbat Shalom everybody...


  1. Shalom!
    "I already said Shaharit. My friend here was running late, so I lent him my tefilin, and now I'm catching up on the news."

  2. Who knows? But there was a situation exactly like that one Rosh Chodesh at Tel Shiloh. We couldn't sing Hallel outloud, because there were two soldiers too closeby. One was dovening and the other, who was wearing a kippah wasn't. Afterwards, the one in a kippah explained that he had dovened earlier with a minyan and lent his T'fillin and siddur to his less obsrvant fellow soldier.
    Yes, they were stationed at Shiloh for guard duty.

  3. Another 'only in Israel' happening.


  4. Risa, Miriam, that's why I don't leave the house without my camera, except Shabbat, of course.


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