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Monday, February 13, 2012

HH Post TU B'Shvat and "Post-BC"

As winter here in the HolyLand comes to a close, those of us jbloggers who still treasure Havel Havelim, Kosher Cooking Carnival and JPIX have to deal with the fact that blog carnival, the free service that had been facilitating all sorts of blog carnivals, no longer functions fully.  For the past few weeks, we've been looking for new ways of sending and collecting posts for the carnivals.  I know that there's lots of action on the jblogging front, but fewer and fewer bloggers are sending in posts.  Now we've been using facebook and not all jbloggers facebook.

Enough of the introduction.  Esser Agaroth is one of those who has been contributing in all ways, and here's his latest Havel Havelim.  Just CLICK HERE.  It may not be as large as in former times, but it's just as interesting.  Check out the posts, comment and share.  And send in your posts, if you're a blogger (or anything you may think relevant) to Susan (via facebook messages) of To Kiss of Mezzuzah who is hosting next week's edition.

I've been trying to keep HH, KCC and JPIX news on my blogs, on the upper left sidebars.  I hope to get the info on inner pages, too.

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