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Sunday, February 05, 2012

More To Come From The Shiloh's 34 Party

My neighbor Miriam Feyga Bunimovich took this picture of me last night as I was photographing one of the performances at the Shiloh is 34 celebrations.

Miriam was also in the photography/videotaping course I took.  There were three of us from Shiloh in the course, and we were among the very few who showed up to all of the sessions, all three sessions-all three of us.  We also were the only ones, if I'm not mistaken, to always try to do and bring in assignments.  Miriam is on the yishuv more than I am and has become official photographer.  She has impressive cameras and a tripod.  I'm more a "dabbler."  And for equipment, I have my bli eyin haraa, Canon 620 and a pouch to carry it in.  And there's a neck strap for the heavier assignments when I want it easily grabbable


  1. thank you, Batya!
    by the way, I like you more on the other picture, where you're laughing. do you want me to crop it for you?

  2. Miriam, I used it in the Shiloh Musings Post.


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