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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Signs of Life

Spring and Fall are very short seasons here in Israel.  One day it's wintry cold, then it's too hot and dry, then we need coats and sweaters and then it's hot until suddenly, the sweaters haven't been worn for a week or more.  Now, we're at the tail end of the cycle I think.  Of course there have been years with strong rainfall and even storms after Passover, even after Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day which is about two weeks after the end of Passover.

You can tell when spring is here by the flora.  This year, my rather pathetic stunted apple tree even shows signs of life.

Whether or not apples will grow from it is still a mystery, but there are leaves and a blossom or two.

Here are a couple more impressive trees and plants growing in my Shiloh neighborhood:


  1. This is a perfect post for Nature Notes. Why not submit it?


  2. I looked at the link, but do see any place to send links.

  3. Shalom!
    I finally chipped away at enough rocky earth to plant my chrysanthemum, sage and mint. The geraniums are next, after a bit more chipping... I hope spring lasts a bit longer. I'm not ready for summer!

  4. We had chrysanthemums for a couple of years in our tempory house. I miss them. They didn't last. The irises now in our garden are from the old house. You can take some of the root late summer during the dormant time when it must be thinned, or so they say. We have purple and white. The purple I bought for the old house and the white we got as a trade with neighbors. I really ought to start planting mint.

  5. I will add this post to Nature Notes. I just put up the post with the Mr. Linky... Everything that comes into bloom is so exciting in spring. I have some plants that are new and it remains to be seen how well they do...Welcome to Nature Notes....Michelle...

  6. Spring is a beautiful time of year. I love the the shot of daisies, they are so pretty. Lovely flowers and blossoms. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Great post! Nice to see what is happening all over the world. :). The field of daisy photo is beautiful!!

  8. Thanks, Michelle, I appreciate it.
    Libby, Eileen, thanks for your words.

  9. Batya you have the most amazing wisteria blooms and drift of daisies. It's really good too to learn about what's flowering elsewhere in the world especially from somewhere I would love to visit someday.

  10. Rosie, we had excellent rainfall this year, thank G-d.

  11. I love those daisies!


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