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Friday, April 06, 2012

Thank G-d, Baruch Hashem, G-d is Great!!

I have so much to thank G-d for.  Don't you?

Yes, I know it's easy to complain.  It's probably easier to complain than it is to see the good.  Black is more effective for covering than white.

Now, does this picture make you happy or do you feel that it's a lot of nerve that the neighbors are cluttering the sidewalk instead of keeping their garbage in their homes?

I must tell you something.  This mess proved how merciful G-d is.  I'm the type who's pretty good about keeping track of things, all sorts of things.  Sometimes I foul up.  OK, I admit that I'm human, far from perfect.

The other day I walked down the hill to the local grocers.  I put my cell phone, keys, camera and picket diary (yoman) in my pockets.  I didn't buy all that much, so I divided my purchases into two bags and began carrying them all back home.  On the way, a neighbor gave me a ride.

Later on in the day I couldn't find my yoman. I checked every place possible in the house and my pockets.

Over the next few days we asked at the grocers but didn't see the car in which I had been driven home.  I kept reciting "kappora," like a mantra.  This should be instead of something more serious, instead of death, injury or illness.  "It's just a yoman; isn't it?"  And I started teaching myself how to use the "appointment/reminder" application on my cell phone.

Busy with my Passover cleaning I couldn't bother the neighbors about my missing yoman.  Then I took a short walk and I passed a few neighbors cleaning cars, including that one.  I doubled back and decided to ask.

"By chance did you find a yoman in the car?"
"Could this be it?" And she showed me an empty plastic yoman cover.
"Yes, but where's the inside?"

How's that for timing?  G-d is great!!!

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