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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Concentrating on Saving Tomato Paste

OK, I admit that I gave this a peculiar title.  There won't be enough words in the post for google search to push/promote/offer it for those looking.  It's about wasting tomato paste 22% or tomato concentrate 28%.

I don't cook with the ingredient very often and frequently find what's left in a glass jar in the fridge going moldy.  Years ago I heard that you can freeze tomato paste, so the last time I opened a can I decided to freeze the leftover portion.

Yes, as you can see, I re-portioned the leftover in small plastic bags.  This should work, G-d willing. 

PS I don't buy ready-made tomato sauce.  I cook up the tomato paste/concentrate with oil, onion, garlic and water.  It's really very simple and easy to make.


  1. Anonymous11/6/12 02:36

    You can freeze it in ice=cube trays and then transfer the frozen cubes into a small bag and take out as many as you need at a time!!

  2. Thanks, that's also an idea, but the leftover am't "fit" in these bags. Not much goes in each cube.

  3. Yael Aldrich11/6/12 06:31

    I take the blobs (make them several blobs), put them in a ziplock bag (you can reuse them) and flatten them before freezing them. Then you can break off pieces and not have tomatoey ice cube trays. I do the same with pureed garlic, ginger, coriander, basil...

  4. Yael, thanks, good idea, but do they break off easily?

  5. Anonymous14/6/12 20:44

    I freeze them flat in small ziploc bags and yes, they break apart easily. That's the beauty of the flat-frozen ziploc :)

  6. Thanks, I guess that someday I'll have to invest in ziploc bags.


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