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Friday, August 17, 2012

Alternative Transportation, NY and AZ

During my recent visit to the states I noticed that bicycles are more common.  I don't remember seeing anyone ride them in the super hot Phoenix-Tempe-Scottsdale, Arizona I visited, but I saw something I had never seen before.

At least some of the buses had a special place for the bikes.  My sister helped me with this photo by trying to position the car just right.

And while walking in Manhattan, I noticed bicycle lanes.

We have them in Jerusalem and other Israeli cities, too, but I've never seen anything like the bus attachment before.  I have seen people stuff their bikes in the luggage compartment under the buses.  Bicycles aren't permitted on Jerusalem's lightrail.  There just isn't enough room.


  1. A friend would love to see that (bike lanes especially) in Central New Jersey. However, I pointed out that NYC has more money. Our borough is poor. Someone has to pay for the bike lanes.

    Here, we have mini-vans. People are usually transporting quite a few kids.

  2. I'm surprised that Israel doesn't have bike racks on the front of the busses. I've used the heck out these, in both Los Angeles and the San Francisco bay area. These days, it's rare to see a bus in the US (expect perhaps NYC) that DOESN'T have a bike rack.

    I've also taken a bike on Amtrak, the LA Subway, San Diego Light Rail, Santa Clara Light Rail and others.

    Other than this, what else can you tell us about the Bicycle culture in Israel?

  3. Leora, I'm sure with enough pressure things will change, unless they expect the bike riders to just ride on the regular roads.

    Ed, Israel isn't much of a bike country though it's getting more popular. My son rides his a lot to work.


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