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Monday, August 13, 2012

Not Quite The Blogger F2F I Had Been Thinking Of

Last week I mentioned trying to put together a jblogger f2f get-together on facebook.  A number of people responded enthusiastically.  G-d willing, we'll still organize something within the next couple of weeks or so. That is before we become too busy with the pre-Rosh Hashanah rush.  Last summer we had a great one at the Lion's Den, HaGov, when Hadassah of  In thePink came to Israel for a visit.

Yesterday, there was a less festive f2f when a few of us paid a shiva call to Rickismom.  Ricki had passed away in her sleep just the day after I had mentioned a get-together on facebook. 

This was not quite the f2f I had been thinking of, but it was very, very special. 

A few months ago a friend of mine, a non-blogger who reads this blog, mentioned that there's one blogger she'd really like to meet in person and that's rickismom.  Many of us have always felt that way. 

Beneath the Wings  This blog is basically a diary, journal, and notes of observations. It deals mostly with the topics of special needs, especially a real view of what life is like with (and for) a teen with Down syndrome. Additional topics are interpersonal relationships, life in Israel, and dieting. Also an occasional get-on-a-soapbox-and-tell-it-like-it-is personal opinion.

Yesterday, under very difficult conditions I met her.  Hannah, A Mother in Israel, another fb friend and I went together to לנחם linachem, to comfort Rickismom, and we received so much more.  Meeting her in person was an amazing experience.  We were also lucky enough to be there at the same time as an Ezer Mitzion worker who told us how much Rickismom has done for other parents of Down Syndrome children.  None of it surprised us.  Reading the posts on her blog made it clear how modest she is.

I generally don't go to shiva, mourning homes when I'm not personally acquainted with the mourners or the dead, but I didn't feel that sort of apprehension that maybe I'm being presumptuous in visiting a stranger who doesn't want voyeurs invading her private moments.  My feelings about rickismom were confirmed when she told me that she recognized me immediately.  I didn't need to introduce myself.

I've been blogging a very long time, and among us jbloggers there are f2f and cyber only relationships.  Many of these relationships are very strong.  We're a community, and sometimes it's good to meet up in person, even at the saddest of times.


  1. That sounds like such a powerful encounter. I love f2f meetings, but one time last summer, I was totally embarrassed not only to not recognize the blogger, but didn't recognize the name of her blog. :-o (Sometimes, the Jewish mom blogs blur in my mind a bit.) Still - turning blogs into real-world chessed is an obsession of mine. So glad you were able to visit at this sad time.

  2. A very special shiva call you made. Glad you were able to provide comfort at this time - such a loss.

  3. I am the fb friend Batya mentioned. i agree with her - it was a privilege to meet Rickismom. she is an amazing woman who raised an amazing daughter.

  4. Jennifer, powerful is the word. none of us know all the blogs and bloggers.
    Leora,rickismom comforted us.
    sara g, thanks for the rides. It was so much better going as a group.

  5. I learned about Ricki's passing from this post, as I didn't follow her mother's blog on a regular basis. It is devastating news. You did the right thing by going (out of your way, too) to make a shiva call. If I had been there, I would have wanted to join you...

  6. LL, it worked out perfectly with my schedule. It was good that we got there early and together. Darling, another reason for you guys to make the big mitzvah...

  7. I have always wanted to meet several of the bloggers from here in Israel, and I always figured that Ricki would be coming with me as well.....
    Too bad we met under sad circumstances.
    We are lucky to live in Israel, where such things are possible....
    A big thanks again to those who came/ called/ wrote.

  8. Rickismom, I guess in a way, ricki will always be with you, but we'll never get to meet her in person. Hearing the stories from the woman from Ezer Mitzion was an added bonus.


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