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Saturday, September 15, 2012

For A Healthy New Year

In less a day it'll already be another year according to the Jewish Calendar, 5773.  Yes, it'll be Rosh Hashannah.  It's a two day holiday.  The custom is however you start the year will reflect on that future year.  It's customary to start the holiday meal with "simmanim," "signs."  There are the very traditional ones like apple and honey for a sweet year and lots of different puns using the names of foods for a good wish.
Many people use some sort of fish or animal head as a centerpiece on their table. 
“May it be God’s will that we will be the head and not the tail.”


And if you use a fruit head, then you're asking for a healthy year!


  1. What a great idea! That fish head is sooo off-putting! Thanks, Batya. A happy, healthy year to you and your loved ones.

  2. Freyda, a number of people have adopted the idea. You can make a head of "simmanim," too.


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