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Friday, October 26, 2012

Slight "Emergency," Please Help

In a case of blogging incompetence, I ended up deleting my blogroll.  A blogroll  is a list of blogs I like to read and have listed on the sidebar of my blog, this blog to be precise.

As you can see, this is not a medical or financial or security emergency, but as a blogger, this is a very serious problem.

I keep a separate blogroll on Shiloh Musings and don't like to duplicate blogs.  So, I'm asking you to please send me links of blogs I used to have on my blogroll here which aren't on Shiloh Musings.  And of course if you think I've left out blogs that should be on my list, then please add those too.  And G-d willing I'll reconstruct the list, with your help thanks.

In the meantime I've started with the help of Risa's blogroll, which is similar to mine.  We have a lot of blog-friends in common.

This was not the post I had planned on writing this morning, but...

As they say, life gets in the way...


  1. Oh, dear, good luck.

    Another reason why I like self-hosted WordPress (so easy to have multiple backups).

  2. Leora, from what I understand, they all have their pros and cons.

  3. You used to have Chaviva, and also Superman Sam


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