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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Recharging Batteries...

Those rechargeable batteries are a lot like people; they don't last forever.  I needed some new rechargeables for my digital camera which uses 4 at all times. 

I was going to go to Talpiyot to get some in a chain store that takes the shopping gift certificates I have, but yesterday's wet, thank G-d for the rain, day made that seem too inconvenient.  A neighbor had given me a ride to town, downtown Jerusalem, and I found myself passing one of the popular camera stores, Schwartz on Mordechai Ben Hillel, so I went in.

They sent me to the "department" a few steps down where the salesman took out a package.  He said it works, can be recharged in a chargers.  I pulled out my camera, and he inserted them.  Instinctively, he checked that it worked and took a look at the lens, which was declared filthy.  So he cleaned it and cleaned it again.  Between the sandstorms and hot cooking food, lots of grime covered had it.  Then he took this picture.

Great service! 
ps I told him I'd write it up, and now I've done it.


  1. I find the flat camera batteries (two of my newer cameras have those) last much longer than the regular batteries. And they are also rechargeable.

  2. I usually have had good luck with reacharables, when they're new. Somehow I lost two, and since then I've had rotten luck with the regular ones, so I've invested a bit of money.

  3. Now that is good service! Beautiful smile too, Batya!


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