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Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Birthday Time!

We've had a custom to stretch out birthdays.  We celebrate from the Jewish date to the goyish date, or vice versa, whichever is first to whichever is last. Sometimes that gives a couple of days, but other years it can be a few weeks.   For instance, my Jewish Birthday was today, from last night until dusk today, the 26th of Iyyar.  But my goyish birthday is May 25.  That gives me a nice long birthday time.

I'm sure many of you also have birthdays this season.  So let's celebrate together!

And just in case you're wondering how old I am, here's a hint.


  1. Mazal-Tov, Mazal-Tov, one mazal-tov for each date. May you celebrate many more birthdays ad120 in good health and happiness with your entire family.


  2. Miriam, thanks so much!


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