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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Perfect Timing, A Gift From G-d

Yesterday, Baruch Hashem, Bless the Good Lord, was one of those great days...

Yesterday, a short while after my shift ended, while I was still working, I called my daughter. She was a few minutes from me on her way home, which is on my way home.  So we met up and I got a chance to spend some time with the grandkids and even helped the eldest study for an English quiz.

Then after a short while, I decided that it was time to go, said good bye and began walking to the place I wait for rides.  But before I got there saw some neighbors.  They were about to leave for home and there was room for me.

Yes, it was definitely one of those days to remember that timing AKA coincidences are  the work of G-d!


  1. It is called Hashgacha Pratit. Isn't it wonderful???

  2. That is one of the great things about tremping, we see HaShem in every car and and the kindness of others everyday.

  3. Danielle L1/5/13 05:14

    Love days where everything just 'falls into place' like that! Glad you had a good day :)

  4. Rachel, Serach, Danielle, yes, and thanks

  5. What a day! HaShem is around us, always.


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