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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Detective Work, The #25 Bus Stop Near The Shuk

For the longest time, ever since buses in downtown Jerusalem had been rerouted to facilitate the light-rail, I've been searching for a #25 bus stop in Machane Yehuda. One of my sons even tried finding it on a google map, but it ended up going in the wrong direction, so I took a #8 that day.

Now why is the #25 so important?  It is an express route to an important location in Pisgat Ze'ev, just across the street and around the corner from the new "trempiada," where I can pick up rides and the Shiloh #148 bus or the Sha'ar Binyamin #143 bus.   I usually find myself transferring buses to catch it at the "Buchari shuk," just past Geula/Kikar Shabbat.  The latest "bus fare laws" include free unlimited transfers for 90 minutes.  The quicker I can catch the bus, the better the chance I can do all I need on one bus fare.  A few weeks ago, I went over the 90 minutes by two minutes which meant that I had to pay again.  Catching the bus in the shuk gives me an extra twenty minutes or so, plus that way I get a good seat and don't have to schlep my bags as much.

Yesterday, by chance aka siyate d'Shmaya, the Hand of G-d, while I was walking to Rechov Agrippas on my way to shop in the shuk I spotted the #25 as it entered the street near the back of the Clal Building. There was a lot of traffic, so I was able to see it turn at the street on the side of the Clal Building and then go through Kikar Davidka (Square.)  I filed that information away and did my shopping.

Then I walked back to the back of the Clal Building and waited for the bus.  I was well within the maximum ninety minutes after hopping a bus in Talpiyot, which was good.  I knew that I'd make it to the Pisgat Ze'ev trempiada early enough for the 2:05 to Shiloh which goes up to my neighborhood or a ride, whichever came first.  Of course, I took pictures on the way.

There's nothing like those Jerusalem buses.


  1. Where does it let you off in Pisgat Zeev?

  2. traffic light junction Duchfit train stop; walk back to lights, cross street and your can catch your 477 or a ride in the right direction.

  3. Should have asked my, sweetie -- I take it all the time and would have been more than happy to tell you the various stops near the shuk. Oh, well...

  4. Chava, at least I got an adventure and blogpost out of it.


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