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Friday, November 08, 2013

Historic Jerusalem Building, A Pisher's Guide to Jerusalem #3

Most guidebooks leave out the most important information, the best and most convenient public toilets, 00, W.C.  Having waddled through five pregnancies, raised five kids, residing far from Jerusalem and now at an age when my pelvic floor is reaching the basement, knowing where to find a decent or even barely usable public toilet in Jerusalem is a vital necessity.  That's why I began to post this series:
A Pisher's Guide to Jerusalem #1
A Pisher's Guide to Jerusalem #2
Israel has a lot of medical clinics, and they all must have public toilets.  So if you're desperately looking for a convenient W.C., you can always walk in to use the facilities.  I do a lot of walking in Jerusalem, and sometimes while rushing to and from buses, appointments and classes, take advantage of the public toilets in one of downtown Jerusalem's old historic buildings, the Strauss Medical Center on Rechov Strauss (Street,) in between Jaffa Street and Kicar Shabbat (Square.)

It's a large, historic building which today houses numerous medical clinics of the various Sick Funds and private ones, too.  This building was one of the earlier ones built for Hadassah's medical services in Jerusalem.
In 1929, Hadassah opened the Nathan and Lina Straus Health Center in Jerusalem. In the 1930s, planning began for a new hospital to replace the Rothschild hospital founded in 1888 on Street of the Prophets, Jerusalem.
When I need a W.C. I follow the signs and go up a flight to the Kupat Cholim Le'umit section.  That's the medical organization we are members of, so I figure that I've been paying for those facilities.  Nobody ever asks me what I'm looking for I just look for, which is the way I like it.

And one of those "only in Israel" extras, they have the prayer one is to say after "eliminating" on the wall nearby for an extra convenience.

Use in good health.


  1. Anonymous8/11/13 21:27

    Of course, the "bathroom" prayer (the "Asher Yatzar"). Whenever I see that, I remember in Hebrew School how we said this prayer with a certain rhythm.

    In his book "Scribbler on the Roof," Ted Roberts has his own take on Asher Yatzar. He's a great storyteller that I recommend.

  2. sheldan, is the story on the web?

  3. Fascinating and (at least, for this mama of 4) vital information. These days, I try to plan trips better, and have started feeling like a freier paying for the merkazit facilities. :-)

  4. tzivia, thanks for the reminder. There's a very good free WC near the CBS (central bus station) I must blog about it.

  5. Batya,

    I found it. The story is at http://www.wonderwordworks.com/stories.php?story=Asher Yotzar.txt

    Apparently this is the site where Ted's stories are available individually. The book I referenced is one of his first collections.


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