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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Visiting Other Blogs, No, Not Havel Havelim, Just a Round-Up

This morning when I took a quick look at the blogs on my blog rolls of both blogs I saw so many interesting posts.  So, instead of blogging of my adventures, I'm going to list the posts I suggest you read and share. It's not that I've been living a dull life, but sometimes we should listen to others.  I was going to blog about my frustrating day yesterday trying to get a better cellphone deal, but since the story isn't yet over, I guess that should wait.

Yesterday I took some gorgeous pictures riding the light-rail as the winter sun slowly rose in the sky, but I don't think you really want to see an entire post of them.  So, let's get on with the show.  I have a busy day today.

As I indicated in the title, this isn't Havel Havelim.  The next one will be posted on A Damaged Mirror during the next few days.  Join our facebook group.

Chag Urim-Chanukah Sameach
May You Have an Enlightened Holiday


  1. Thank you for including my Parasha article! Not sure I'll have time to do one this week, what with all the other projects waiting in line.... Shabbat Shalom v'Hag Hanukkah Sameah!

  2. Add some "parshat shavua" to your Havel Havelim.


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