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Sunday, April 06, 2014

Havel Havalim in Aliyah Land

Tzivia has posted a wonderful Havel Havelim, just thing for this week. Take a look at all the blog posts, comment and share. There are some wonderful posts.

It's decorated with flowering fruit trees, just perfect for the beginning of Chodesh (the Jewish Month of) Nissan when we're supposed to say Birkat Ilanot,  a special blessing on seeing two flowering fruit trees. We have a wonderful custom every first Shabbat in Nissan. Neighbors who have a lot of fruit trees invite all of us to their backyard for the blessing and a big sit-down kiddush.

Blog carnival has been "down" for quite a bit already. I don't know if it'll be back. That means that our communications are via our facebook page and emails to me, shilohmuse at gmail dot com. From previous experience I know that many Jewish bloggers read and post less during the season of now until after Passover, so I'll play it by ear. If someone wants to host for any which, either or both of the next two weeks, please let me and the facebook group know. Otherwise I'll do what I can to host at some point when/if I have time. So if you've posted or read something that suits Havel Havelim, the long-running international Jewish bloggers carnival, please send me the link, thanks.

There's also the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival, which I also coordinate.  It also has a facebook page and the same problem with blog carnival.

Shavua Tov
Have a wonderful, safe and healthy week!

PS May G-d help the Jerusalem Big Blue Lions to a safe and uninjured victory this coming Friday.

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