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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Found it!

The other day, early last week, I quickly packed up to got to Jerusalem. I put a bright turquoise sunhat on the top of my bag, but when I reached in to wear it, there wasn't a hat there. I looked up and down the street, nothing.

OK, Kaporah, I said to myself. That's a Hebrew word commonly used to mean "better this than death, injury etc."

That hat had been sitting in my house barely worn for years. I davka took it out that day, because I felt that I should have gotten rid of it years ago.   This morning I ran out to do an errand and...

.... yes, that's the hat. I left it there and hope that someone enjoys it. Kaporah...


  1. Anonymous13/7/14 22:03

    Loved reading this post. I've done similar things, especially with my hats and, sometimes, my glasses.

  2. I still miss the cherry red straw hat that flew off my lap when we drove with windows open through Ramalla. Now we neither drive through Ramalla nor keep the windrows open...


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