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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Never Too Many Prayers... Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av and Ellul at Tel Shiloh

Yesterday was Rosh Chodesh Menachem (may it be a comfort) Av, and as I do every Rosh Chodesh, I went down the hill to Shiloh HaKeduma, Tel Shiloh, where the ancient, the Biblical Tabernacle House of Prayer had stood for almost four hundred years. I was joined by two generations of women from Shiloh and Eli.

Actually, considering the war going on, I was expecting to see many more women for our group prayers. But many of my neighbors like to go pray at the site of the Mishkan, Tabernacle whenever they want and don't always find my group's time all that convenient.

A note to tourists and potential tourists from abroad and from Israel, Shiloh is one of the least affected aka safest places in Israel right now. Tel Shiloh is open to visitors daily. Shiloh HaKeduma is a recognized archaeological site. 

Guided tours can be arranged through the Shiloh HaKeduma, Ancient Shiloh office. Email visit@telshilo.org.il  or phone 02-994-4019.

You can easily make a day of it. There's even a bicycle path for those interested.

Next month's Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers will be 
Wednesday August 27, 2014. Please save the date.

Women's Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh Rosh Chodesh Ellul
Wednesday August 27, 2014
1st of Ellul 5774, 8:30am
Tour of Tel Shiloh & Dvar Torah, Short Torah Lesson
Please come and invite family, friends and neighbors

תפילת נשים ראש חודש אלול בשילה הקדומה, תל שילה
יום ד' 27-8 א' אלול תשע"ד 8:30
יהיה דבר תורה קצר וסיור בתל
 כדאי לבוא ולהזמין חברות, משפחה ושכנות

Mark your calendar, and join us. For more information, please contact me, thanks.

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  1. Anonymous1/8/14 07:25

    I love your photos. They fill your posts with snippets of life, and give the reader a wonderful overview through your eyes.
    -Lorri M.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.