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Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Suffocating in the Heat and Sadness

Yesterday, meaning last night would have been the perfect evening to take advantage of the women's only (18+) night hour at the local pool. It was so hot that I wouldn't have been chilled by the usual too cool air that contrasts with the warm pool water.

The suffocating heat and overeating at a friend's house earlier in the day left me feeling lethargic and almost paralyzed. Even the babysitting for the grandkids didn't energize me all that much. They are pretty big now, I besides cooking lunch and supervising a bit, all I had to do was to enjoy their antics and admire the precocious mathematical skills of the little ones. Maybe if I had been drinking the water like I kept urging to the kids to do I would have felt better later on...

I was so tired when I got home that I didn't even pay attention to the news or phone messages, so I wasn't among the first to find out that the bodies of the three Jewish teenagers had been found. But when I did, in a phone call davka from the states, all I could do was to write...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/7/14 20:55


    Amen to this post. Baruch Dayan HaEmet.


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