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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Walking Around the Israel Museum

I've always been a fan of the Israel Museum. It's one of the most photogenic places I've ever been, and the recent renovations have made it even better. I first visited the museum, which for me is always referred to as "the Museum," was as a student here in Israel in the summer/fall of 1969. When we got married and made aliyah a year later, it was to the Museum where I'd bring my kids and visitors. Now that my kids are grown, I go with friends or even alone, like I did the other day. Exhibitions are always changing. The Museum is so large and varied that it takes more than one visit to see and certainly absorb and observe it all. In the heat of the summer, it's just so wonderful to wander around inside.

Here are a few pictures...



  1. I enjoyed my visit to the Israel Museum last year. It would be fun to go with a tour guide to learn about one specific area. You are right - they have so much, and they seem to keep adding.

  2. Anonymous11/7/14 06:41

    I enjoyed seeing the museum through your photos. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Leora, no doubt.
    Lorri, my pleasure

  4. Some pics would have been better with a few words of hasbarrah - like who is that metal gentleman sitting on a stool, what are those statues and wherefrom,,

    Thanks anyhow. Makes me want to be there.

  5. Sorry it's not a good tour, but I'm glad the pictures make you want you to come.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.