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Sunday, September 28, 2014

The First Kosher Cooking Carnival of 5775!

The Kosher Cooking Carnival is a monthly blog carnival about kosher food, kosher cooking, anything to do with kosher food. I started it many years ago when a post of mine was rejected by a food/recipe carnival that wanted to restrict that edition to ham. Like many if not all of the ancient enemies of the Jewish People, that blog carnival no longer exists, but we're still cooking!

Nowadays KCC is organized on our facebook page. You can sign up to host or find out who's hosting there. Or just write to me shilohmuse at gmail dot com. The editions generally appear around Rosh Chodesh, which is the first day of the Jewish Month. The Kosher Cooking Carnival is more than just a recipe carnival. It includes posts about all aspects of kashrut, what makes food kosher, custom, recipes and also cookbook and restaurant reviews, kosher of course.

Please check out the posts, read, comment and of course share them and this blog round-up.

Vegan Raisin Bran Muffins (with zucchini/kishuim) They sound so yummy and healthy, too!
Butternut Squash and Apple Soup interesting combination
Tasting Beers
Acorn Squash Stuffed with Applesauce and Raisins
Unbelievably Easy and Pretty Healthy Candy-like Dessert, even the "no fruit eaters" can't resist!
Finally. Eating Mindfully. Dumping Excess Weight. WooHOO! Good luck, Ruti, I reviewed the book and think it's good.
Last Taste of Summer
The 2014 Jerusalem Beer Festival -- and the future of Israeli beer
Four new beers from my beer rebbe
Quick Nosh on the Road When Tremping and free, too.

Remember that your don't have to be a blogger to enjoy and share KCC!


  1. Looks like some great stuff here! Thank you, as always, for all the effort you put out for others.


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