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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Weather's Changing. Winter is Very Soon

I've been seeing the weather change, even if it's just by the richer sunrises, decorated by clouds and more attractive "textures" than in the simpler summer sunrises.

The sky changes so quickly.

On Friday, just before Shabbat came in there was such strong powerful thunder and lightening, too. And yes, it also rained a bit. The thunder and lightening went into Shabbat, but the rain wasn't all that much, and we were able to eat in the succah, which was nice.

Neighbors lost their electricity, and they had to go to get help to turn it back on. There is a family that takes care of their elderly parents, who have full-time help from non-Jews. So in special cases like what happened to my neighbors one of the non-Jews did a "Shabbos goy" mitzvah.  Other neighbors discovered that the lightening had damaged their phone lines. But of course they only discovered it after Shabbat.

Will we have a "real winter" this year?  We do need rain, G-d willing.


  1. Shavua tov and mo'adim l'simha!
    Yes. There was more thunder than rain. We had just about finished dinner when a slight drizzle started. The uncertainty of the weather was enough to prevent everyone from sleeping outside. For tonight most of the regulars are already in the succa.

  2. Hadassa, so far, this is far from the rainiest Succot I remember. At least mealtime was pleasant for our big family succah meal Friday night.
    Thanks for commenting.


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