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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Havel Havelim Beneath the Wings

The Chayei Sarah edition of the long-running international Jewish blog carnival, Havel Havelim is hosted by Rickismom of Beneath the Wings, one of my all time favorite blogs.

I'll be hosting next week, G-d willing. If you have written or spot a good blog post to contribute, please send me the link at shilohmuse@gmail.com, "HH" as subject and with a short blurb of explanation before Shabbat your time. Havel Havelim is organized on our facebook page, where you can also volunteer to host the weekly blog carnival. If you have any additional questions contact me, "HH questions" as subject or "HH hosting" as subject.

Havel Havelim can contain all sorts of blog posts about Judaism, Jewish Life, Israel, Jewish History, customs, reminiscing, Torah etc. I accept even blogs that appear on mainstream news sites.

Besides Havel Havelim there's another Jewish blog carnival I'm very much involved with, especially since I'm the initiator. It's the Kosher Cooking Carnival. It's monthly, appearing on (or around) Rosh Chodesh the beginning of the Jewish month. Sometimes, when I find that I've committed to host both KCC and HH the same week, I combine them, like last month. And next week/month. KCC is also organized on a facebook page, which you can join and where you can also volunteer to host the monthly blog carnival.  If you have written or spot a good blog post to contribute, please send me the link at shilohmuse@gmail.com, "KCC" as subject and with a short blurb of explanation before Shabbat your time. If you have any additional questions contact me, "KCC questions" as subject or "KCC hosting" as subject.

The Kosher Cooking Carnival is more than just a recipe carnival. It includes blog posts about all aspects of kosher cooking, kashrut, and this year I'd also like to see posts about shemitta, the halachot (Jewish Laws) and practical advice and stories. It also includes reviews of kosher restaurants and cookbooks. So please send me your posts/links asap, thanks.

Remember, you don't have to be blogger to read and comment and share blog posts! Enjoy and Shavua Tov to all!

Shavua Tov, have a wonderful week!

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