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Friday, December 26, 2014

Why Outside?

Over the decades here in Israel I've spied men dovening with their Tallit, Tefillin  in all sorts of places, from stores, to buses, guard-posts etc.

Quite often they're on their way to work or in places where there is no convenient synagogue. That's why I was surprised the other day when I noted this man.

He was near the Jerusalem Municipality, Safra Square. It was just after 7am, and there are many synagogues within a three to five minute walk from there, including one in the municipal offices.


  1. Shalom!
    He might have been waiting for someone to take the baby before he went into a synagogue but had to start shaharit or else he wouldn't finish on time. Perhaps he was learning so as not to waste his time waiting.

  2. Who knows? It was such a gorgeous morning.


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