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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Tevet-Shevat Kosher Cooking Carnival

Sorry that I never got around to posting a separate Tevet edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival; I didn't even do a joint one with Havel Havelim. I hope to make up for that with this one. Since I haven't gotten many posts, I'll just search.   If you'd like to be a host or want to know, then join our KCC facebook page.

I started the Kosher Cooking Carnival when a recipe carnival rejected my recipe, because the theme of the week was port. So, since then there has been a KCC pretty much every  month. Please check out the posts, comment and share. This is much more than just a recipe carnival. Since kosher food is more than just bagels and kneidelach, We also include posts about halacha, Jewish Law, customs, reviews of kosher restaurants and cookbooks, too. I welcome your participation. Contact me at shilohmuse@gmail.com.

Dig in and enjoy the posts, thanks.

Kichel, from Tzivia
Cookbook Memories, Celebrity Kosher...
Different Jewish food customs when in mourning.
Sweet Butternut Squash Kugel
From Frugal & Kosher Red Lentil and Tomato Soup
Piccolino, delicious in Jerusalem!
Should we call this adventures is "soupland?"
Pragmatic Attic's Spinach and Chickpea Curry
Two Meals for the price of one
Doug's reports on First Israeli craft beer kiddush in America and Samson at Tzora.
Roza, Worse than disappointing
Couldn't be Parve, Poppyseed Babka
A lovely meal at MODERN, Israel Museum
Olive oil challah
Simply Vegetables, vegetables made easily
Miriam's Hot Bowl of Soup
Kashrut alert! Not all wines are Kosher for Passover!!
Ruti's mama's Ginger Snaps!
Kosher Foodies Vegetarian Moussaka
The Kosher Spoon celery root and red lentil soup
Best 5 Shekel meal in Jerusalem
Jew Hungry, 24 Coffee Recipes
Revisiting Cafe Rimon, meat.

You don't have to be a blogger to read, comment and share the Kosher Cooking Carnival!!


  1. Thank you, Batya! Interesting variety here!

  2. Thank you for the link and for an especially interesting round-up!

  3. Thank you for including the kosher spoon! Great roundup!

  4. Laura, Sina, thanks, and I hope you'll join the KCC community.

  5. Batya, thank-you for including my post Nothing Like a Hot Bowl of Soup.


  6. Miriam, I wish we lived close enough to share soups.

  7. Thanks for including me. I'm so happy to be blogging about food again, if intermittently. I'll have to be better about it. And sign up to host. Maybe adar?

  8. Tzivia, my pleasure. Did you say Adar? It's yours!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.