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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Shabbat, Enjoyed by Ivanka Trump and Family

In an interview in Vogue Magazine, the glamorous, heiress and businesswoman Ivanka Trump Kushner praises Shabbat observance.

Trump converted to Judaism, traditional Orthodox, before her marriage to Jared Kushner.

Ivanka Trump with her husband Jared Kushner and daughter Arabella. The couple use Shabbat to spend time together as a family. Photo: Instagram.

After almost half a century of Shabbat observance, I personally can't imagine how I'd survive without it. Shabbat is one day I can't be rushed. I go no further than to synagoue and neighbors here in Shiloh. No telephone! No email and even no blogging!!!  I don't cook either. All the food is prepared in advance. All I have to do is cut salad and serve. When necessary, the cooked food is heated up on the electric platta hotplate.

I have no doubt that my health would be much worse if I was on the run 24/7. G-d sure knows best!!


  1. I agree with every word Batya! I remember our family life before we became religious when I was 14. It was barely a family life!!! I indeed feel sorrow for those of our dear brothers and sisters in Am Yisrael who do not know the joy of a beautiful restful and spiritual Shabbat, cut off from telephones, televisions and everything but ones family and the shul. What a gift He gave us!!

  2. Thanks Netivotgirl
    Shabbat is another proof of the perfection of Judaism.

  3. I became completely Shabbat observant at the age of 21. It made a total difference in my quality of life. Now if I could just get my head together to get something done the rest of the week!

  4. goyish, Shabbat is a good start.


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