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Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Newest Granddaughter and My Mother's Gifts

Mother's Day

My mother holding me when I was about a year old in Bell Park Gardens, Bayside, New York.

We never celebrated Mother's Day in our house, most probably because my mother's birthday was May 14, which is around Mother's Day, and my parents weren't very big on celebrating even our birthdays.

It's almost two years now since my mother, Shirley Shankman Spiegelman, passed away, and there's already a great-granddaughter of hers named after her. Her middle name is Li-Shir (sing to me,) and she and her parents visited the other day.

I really got a kick watching her play with the same toys my mother had bought my eldest over forty years ago. All my children had played with these classic wooden blocks. All sorts of kids who visited my house have played with them, too. And now so have all the grandchildren, may there be many more, G-d willing.

No doubt that my mother enjoys watching her namesake from Olam Haba, the Next World.


  1. The cycle of life is so beautiful...

    May you have lots of nachat from your children and grandchildren!

  2. "I really got a kick watching her play with the same toys my mother had bought my eldest over forty years ago. All my children had played with these classic wooden blocks. " - so touching. Wonderful to have a little one named for your mom z"l.

  3. Yes, thanks
    Now would have been her 90th birthday.


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