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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Traveling by Public Transportation between Ariel and Tel Hashomer Hospital, Tel Aviv

Last week I visited someone in Tel Hashomer Hospital, one of the largest in Israel. I hadn't a clue as how to get there, but I figured that it can't be all that difficult, since it is a major hospital, and Israel has pretty good public transportation. I knew that it's in Tel Aviv someplace, which is not my beaten path at all. To get to Tel Aviv from Shiloh, the best is to first go to Ariel which has a lot of buses to Tel Aviv and a large varied population.

The quickest way to Ariel is tremping, yes, hitchhiking, since even if you have stop for multiple rides, like I did, you can bypass the Eli neighborhood and Tapuach, which are on the bus routes. Within minutes of getting to the main Shiloh bus stop/trempiada, I had a ride with someone going to Eli. I got off at the junction and before I could whip out my camera there was a ride to Rechalim, and the driver insisted that there are tons of rides from there to Ariel.

I had just enough time to take a couple of pictures, when I caught a ride to just outside of Ariel. I walked in and to the first bus stop where I found someone I know who confirmed what my husband had discovered on the internet that there would be a bus directly to Tel Hashomer, the 284, in just two minutes.

bus stop at Ariel University

I caught it and had a lovely ride through Ariel to Tel Hashomer confident that I was on my way.

In all honesty, I had no idea of where I was most of the time, but we did get to the hospital safe and sound.

Going back home I couldn't take the same bus, because it's only every few hours, and I hadn't been in the hospital long enough for that.

So I asked around at the bus stop and took an 87 to Petach Tikvah's Bellinson Hospital. And from there, in a bus filled mostly with Arabs I took the 86 to Ariel.

And from there I tremped home.

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