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Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Day With The Grandkids at the Bloomfield Science Museum

I spent the day with the grandkids, the big ones at Jerusalem's  Bloomfield Science Museum. I hadn't been there for over twenty years. I was there only once when it was new and I brought my sons. It looked nothing like my memories of it. It was full of kids who seemed to be having a great time.

Entrance per child five years and older is ns60, so it adds up very quickly, but the workshops are included in the price. My oldest grandchildren twelve and ten, both girls, didn't have a good time at all. They mostly sat around waiting to leave. The almost eight year old boy seemed to like it a bit more, but he also sat around too much. After my son rescued them and took them off to other places of enjoyment, I spent the rest of the day there with the almost five year old girl who had a blast. Davka, she was the one who got in for free!

Here are some photos:


  1. We did it twice, with two sets of grandchildren. The best. Especially with the heat wave that caused us to scratch a trip to the zoo.

  2. Did you do it together? I was on my own with preteens and preschool, which did not work.


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