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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Could Be An Entire Meal

In this nice, and well used, bake and serve dish, I placed not only the pumpkin you see on top. There's squash, onion, eggplant and bite-sized pieces of chicken breast. Other vegetables can be used or added. There are no rules.

Add some oil on top, catsup is optional, bake in a hot oven. Cover half-way through. If you cover early, it will just take longer to cook. It's ready when the vegetables are soft.


  1. Baked at 180C? Good reheated on Shabbat? No other seasonings at all? Looks yum. Except the ketchup. I can do without the ketchup. ;)

    Have you ever noticed on cooking sites people comment on recipes and say how amazing they were, and how they changed them? No one every says, "This is perfect the way it is." LOL

  2. My oven doesn't really have numbers. I always reheat it for Shabbat. Ketchup is optional of course. I make these things differently every time. That's the fun of it. After it's finished I use a corelle plate to cover it, or aluminum foil for the non-round pans. I totally adore having simple bake and serve dishes.

  3. What are your favorite sorts of baking/serving pans?

  4. Pyrex-type dishes, all the way. I have a lovely round dish with a lid. It had a wicker basket that made it super simple to take it off the platta and bring it to the table, but that basket finally fell apart this year (I'm not sure how many years I've had that dish, but it's a lot of years). I have several tempered-glass pans and I love them. I have an aluminum 9x13 pan with a lid that I bought at Kmart 28+ years ago when I made aliyah. While I don't love using aluminum, this is a great pan for cooking/serving/storing.

    My kids, who do most of the serving on Shabbat, like to take the stuff out of my lovely dishes and put it into other things...Doesn't matter if it's chicken or quiche. Lasagne, however, they will bring to the table as is. :)

  5. Great. I also use some nice ceramics, but they need more care.

  6. Why use ketchup when you can use plain tomato paste w/o the food additives and add herbs and spices to your taste?

  7. I was feeling lazy. It was a simple squirt away.


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