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Monday, March 14, 2016

Craving a New, Better and Smarter Smartphone

When I got my Galaxy II smartphone just over two years ago, after it had been recommended by neighbors, I thought it was a good choice. In the beginning it seemed to do almost anything I could possibly expect from a phone, but I was much too soon brought to the reality that I had been sold a can of worms. It's just too dumb for my needs. A few weeks after I got my phone, I went to the states, and with the help (an order to her Amazon account) my cousin's wife got my son his Nexus, which has--even today-- plenty of memory, quadruple what my phone has. His phone did cost more, but he hasn't had to reduce his apps to a rather anorexic amount like I have.

My son early on understood the advantages of a good smartphone. Long before I had even thought of getting one for myself, when my husband and I still didn't have internet on our phone (it would have cost us extra and didn't seem all that necessary) he would point to his phone and say:
"Here's my laptop."
Within less than a year (at least I could get free service during the time) of purchasing my smartphone, which wasn't all that cheap, I found that trying to edit a photo on my phone would cause the camera to freeze up, since the memory was insufficient. I've taken off almost all the apps I had added just to be able to update my very necessary Whatsapp. And the apps that came with the phone, which I never ever use, can't be deleted.

Now I just drool over the idea of getting an unlocked Galaxy 7; I don't need the fancier "edge" one. But I want a 64GB memory. Since my son got a phone with 32GB over two years ago, I realize that today I need even more for the phone to stay relevant throughout its lifetime.

But when I look at the prices, even in the states, I almost lose my appetite.


  1. Why not find someone selling a used apple phone?

  2. Is it really that much better? Aren't they terribly small?

  3. I have a gallaxy 6s and it is great

  4. I've read that the changes between the two make the 7 worth the money now that it's out. Galaxy does make a good phone.

  5. Anonymous14/3/16 15:45

    Check out the specs on the Motorola Moto G. It's a good value if it meets your needs. My teenage son just got the 3rd generation and is very happy with it.

  6. will do, thanks
    Now that I've been using one, I have more of an idea of what I need.

  7. I just checked and it doesn't offer all I need.

  8. Anonymous7/4/16 08:54

    look at moto 4G. motorola

  9. thanks, does it have the memory I want?


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