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Friday, April 15, 2016

From The Days When We Hosted Humongous S'darim (Seders)

These two shelves are full of Passover Haggadot, the books read from during the Pesach Seder. (And there are lots more Haggadot in other parts of the house, too.) There were years of double tables, and I just don't know how I pulled it off. With five kids, we were seven people without guests, but we always had guests. We were one of the families that always said "yes," when asked if we could take neighbors and strangers in need. And my in-laws came quite a number of times.

The Haggadot are Hebrew only and Hebrew-English. I think we also have some Hebrew-Russian ones from the days we hosted new immigrants olim chadashim from the FSU-Former Soviet Union.

Those were the days...
להבדיל.... lihavdil... not the same, but...


  1. Anonymous18/4/16 07:07

    Love the photo! Memories never fade...even though some circumstances change.

  2. Anonymous18/4/16 07:11

    I made the comment. LorriM.

  3. Lorri M, thanks so much, so true.


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