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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Vegetables Plus Through a Cleaned Lens

The other day I ended up sending a photo of dinner, one of my vegetable dishes, to 365Project. It's slightly different from my usual vegetable meal.

Dinner Through a Cleaned Lens

Usually I get my photos in during the day, but today it just didn't happen. I took lots of pictures, but none were right. So, I photographed my dinner. Onions, squash, carrot, ginger and a few leftover slices of apple. I cooked it all up with some oil in a covered pan.
The first photo got my camera lens all steamed up, so I rushed to clean it with a special cloth. This photo is much clearer. Now I understand why my recent pictures have been so peculiar. The lens needed cleaning.
Adding the apple reminded me of when I'd make a vegetable dish that had apples and carrots and peanuts, among other things I've since forgotten. I had learned the basic recipe when eating in an interesting kosher vegetarian restaurant in Amsterdam when I visited in 1977. I think it was called "Beit Hamazon." I had seen the ad for it in the Jewish Vegetarian Society newsletter. We had been living in London at the time doing Zionist youth work for Betar. All I had written down was the address. I didn't remember noticing anything about its hours. We ended up trying to get in when they were closed between lunch and dinner. But whoever answered the door very graciously offered to prepare a lunch, and it was something with carrots, apples and peanuts, which I tried to reproduce when I got back home.  Memories...

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