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Friday, May 19, 2017

So, Instead of Buying a Can of Crushed Tomatoes...

All I wanted was some simple, NO ADDITIVES Tomato Paste for the beef I had planned on making. I couldn't find any, so I checked out the plain Crushed Tomatoes:

Even though the label said "No Preservatives," I saw all sorts of non-tomato items in the ingredients. I finally gave up. Guess what I did.

I bought about the same weight tomatos as the can had, for about the same money, and I "crushed" them in the food processor.  

OK, I must admit that it did give me the chore of  cleaning the food processor, but at least I know what I'm going to be serving tonight. There is just onion, fresh garlic, peppercorns, some dehydrated parsley, please forgive me for not using fresh, and a bit of oil along with the beef.

It smelled good when cooking. And this time, to reduce calories, no wine. And I don't put in jam or any other sweetener. The tomatoes and onions are sweet enough. And it's all so simple to make.


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