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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trying to Live Without Cow's Milk

A few months ago, I bought some coconut cream, which I never used. Last week I finally decided to give it a try. I had developed a cold and decided to try the coconut cream in my coffee instead of milk and sugar.

Some days it tasted good, and on others, I wasn't happy drinking my coffee with the coconut stuff.

The other day, I went back to milk and sugar. But my plan is to try another of the "non-dairy milks,"like cashew, almond or soy.

PS The yogurt I eat is goats.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


  1. Whats wrong with cow's milk?

  2. It is known to irritate and increase mucous in the respiratory system, so I figured my body may need a break for awhile. It would do no harm to try something new.


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