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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Very Good Red Wine

A neighbor brought us this wine on Shabbat. היוצר Hayotzer, VIRTUOSO, and it was really good. It had a great smooth taste, very fruity. This is one of the best red wines I can remember. It was very pleasant to drink.

I must admit that frequently I don't like red wines, even or especially, the "good ones." I sometimes feel a strange sticky after-taste. But I really liked this VIRTUOSO from Hayotzer. I searched for its site on the internet but couldn't find one.

I usually end up buying whites and roses, not many reds. This wine does make nice gifts. I'll have to remember for the future if I ever see it.


  1. Seems it's an Arza Winery premium brand:

    and an appreciation

  2. Thanks, I was also trying to find more about it in English for my readers.


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