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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Losing The Diet Battle

People who see my almost nightly post about how many steps I've taken each day as I kick off my shoes must think I'm winning the battle. But the truth is that I'm making pretty much no progress in getting off the weight that snuck on the past couple of years.

A very important diet principle I stick to is to make/design an eating plan you can live with. That's because if you have a numerical weight goal, which requires a food and exercise regime that isn't really sustainable, you'll quickly go off of it and yo-yo. We all know what that means. It means that the weight will return "with interest."

Not only are we all different, but our bodies change with time. The medical experts say that even our metabolism gets sluggish, not just our minds with age...

So far, I like this pedometer application, and it's working well. The three numbers (you can set it to do miles and inches) I follow most carefully are:

  • steps
  • kilometers per hour
  • time exercised
I've really been trying to keep to two hours of being active each day. Now, being active also means the simple walking around the house while doing daily chores. You can also see on the graph, that I have periodic heavier active times. Now that it has been raining, thank Gd, I also walk quickly around my house to get the steps increased. 

Food is pretty easy to control, since most meals are home, but after about a decade of trying to diet/keep my weight down, it is harder to deny myself some foods. But the good thing is that smaller quantities of food like dates and cake etc now satisfy my sweet tooth.

I hope you're not bored by this, because my diet saga will continue for the rest of my life. And how is yours going?


  1. I’ve got down to where I was a couple of years ago, but I can’t seem to shift the bit more I need to go. That’s just about 10 pounds and I would be satisfied, but it’s like my body wants to hang on to that weight. I’ve upped the walking. Thinking of going to an excercise class....only thinking! Worried that if I lose the weight with the class, I will have to go forever to keep it of!
    Please keep writing about your struggles as that encourages me a lot and makes me feel less alone! As we are a similar age it’s good to hear what you are trying and if it works for you.

  2. Sandra, glad to know I'm not alone in this. I honestly don't think that the stress is healthy either.

  3. No, the stress is not good, but I don’t want to be fatter and the minute I lose control and eat a cake or some crusty.bread, the pounds start to pile on! Someone told me it’s like having an elastic band round your waiste. When you move forward it’s really hard, but boy is it easy to ping back! Lol


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